TAG Portal

TAG Portal | Release Notes

We are actively improving TAG Portal. Below you will find the information on our latest updates


Staging Release Date: February 5th 2025
Production Release Date: February 19th 2025

New Functionalities:

Adding Description 2 on Purchase Orders

Adding Description 2 column to Purchase Order Lines when viewing a Purchase Order, editing a Purchase Order and on the Pick Up Form.

No bug fixes


Release Notes Creation Date: December 17th 2024
Official Release Date: January 22nd 2025

New Functionalities:

Columns standardization for "Parts" list

In the Parts tab from Assets form, new columns available (Item Category Code, Vendor No., Unit Cost, Unit Price and Variant Filter) added to match same columns available in the Items tab.

Picture added to "Items" lists

In the Items tab from Assets form, the item Picture Card attached in Business Central will now be visible in the item card panel section.

Bin Description added to the Items By Locations list

In the Parts tab from Assets form, when bin codes are used for storage of the item, the Bin Description will now be visible in the Items By Location list.

Bug Fixes:

  • In the Parts tab from Assets form, the card panel section is now refreshing and reflecting the selected item in the list.
  • When a request is created and the Technician Code field is left <blank>, the field is no more populated by the logged in technician's code. The field will be left <blank> in the request.
  • When updating the Comment field while editing Purchase Order, it is not required anymore to refresh the page when saving to view the added comment.


Release Notes Creation Date: December 4th 2024
Official Release Date: December 18th 2024

No added new functionalities

Bug Fixes:

  • In Report Maintenance from a Work Order, Test Results Lookup Table result type is now proposing the dropdown for the test result values.
  • Fixing the attachment size limit (Object error message) when uploading large files.
  • In the Report Maintenance form, fixing the issue when selecting a failure code not getting set properly.
  • When submitting a Request with a suggested task with no Work Procedure, the Work Procedure field was set to 0, is now being set to <null>.
  • In the Purchase Order List, a linked Work Order will be visible in the list.
  • The Start and End date on a Work Order Task is now showing the time part assigned to Start and End.
  • Fixing issue when posting a Usage when Reporting Maintenance on a Work Order. The Posted Quantity is now reflecting the quantity entered by the user (was 0 before).
  • Fixing the handling of a Template No. assigned to a Finished Work Order.
  • In Purchase Order, when editing the Purchase Order Comment field, user is not forced to do a manual refresh of the page to get the new comment after saving anymore.
  • Fixing the Consumable icon in usage of a task on a Work Order.
  • In Report Maintenance in the task usage section, fixing the overlap of the Consumed and Unit of Measure columns.
  • Fixing "Invalid User Email Configuration" for TAG Portal users in some circumstances if email configuration of the users were updated in Business Central between login attempts.
  • The default Start Date of a new task on a Work Order is now equals to the Work Order start date set on the header.


Release Notes Creation Date: November 7th 2024
Official Release Date: November 20th 2024

New Functionalities:

View quantity per bins from the Items list

In the Items tab from Assets form, if items are located in bins you will now see the quantities in each of the bins.

Adding usage to a Work Order will now be type "Item" by default

In the Report Usage form for adding a usage on a Work Order, the usage type is now set at value "Item" by default.

Priority Rank Description used in additional forms

In Edit Request, Create Work Order and Edit Work Order forms, the Priority Rank dropdown list will now also include the rank description.

Ability to Add Additional Tasks to a Work Order from the Maintenance Report Page

In the Report Maintenance Report form, it is now possible to add a new task and be able to report time/material against it.

In the Asset list form, a new tab is added for related parts related to the selected asset.

Notes and Attachments count on Assets and Work Order

A number tag is now on the Notes and Attachments tabs of Assets and Work Orders to make visible to the user if there are notes/attachments on the current record.

Portal Settings date preview

In Settings form, there is preview of date only, date/time and current date based on your Language and Date Format setting.


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixing of the "No options available" in the Status dropdown list in the Create Work Order and Edit Work Order forms, actual status are now showing.

  • In the Create Request form, the values in the Priority Rank dropdown list now shows on only one line (if room is available).

  • For customers using Gateway connections, fixing of the upload of attachments from Report Maintenance and Report Tasks forms.

  • Adding a requirement to a Work Order Line is now allowing type "Parts" if the asset associated with the Work Order has Related Parts.

  • Fixing in Edit Work Order form the behavior that changing Order Date, Due By Date or Requested Service date was setting the day before the one selected by user.


Release Notes Creation Date: October 9th 2024
Official Release Date: October 23rd 2024

New Functionalities:

Asset Subgroup in Work Orders List

In the Work Orders List form, it is now possible to add the "Asset Subgroup" column.

Create Work Order/Request Equipment column picker

The Equipment/Asset selection in Create Work Order/Request form will now allow users to select customized columns to be able to search and filter to make the selection.

Bug Fixes:

  • Resolving issue of empty lists when using Gateway connections in On-Premises Business Central environments.
  • Using the drag-and-drop feature in the Dispatch form will now reflect the estimated time from the Unscheduled Task List
  • Using the Edit Request feature will no longer create a grayed-out interface on newly created requests.
  • Bin Code will now update accordingly to a change of Location when adding a requirement in the Report Maintenance form.
  • The Time Entry feature on the Report Work Order form will no longer cause an unexpected closing of the browser.
  • The Request List from the Dashboard form will now reflect the same filters from the Request form.
  • In the View Setting in the Create Request form is now applying correctly the choice of the user to show or hide the Suggested Tasks.
  • Searching with a QR Code in the Asset form will now show an error message if the Asset is not in the list.
  • Searching with a QR Code in the Asset form will no longer be case sensitive.
  • Description 2 field will now show in the Usage modal form in Report Work Order Maintenance.
  • On the Asset form, when attaching files (pictures) it is no longer possible to select more than one picture as Main (Card Picture).
  • Using the Multi Selector feature in the Work Orders form is no longer generating an error when saving.
  • Standardizing naming convention by renaming of menu items and tabs from "Equipment" to "Asset", "My Work Orders" to simply "Work Orders" and "Upcoming Work Orders" to simply "Work Orders".
  • Unscheduled Task Lists is no longer showing tasks with the status Finished.
  • Using the drag-and-drop feature in the Dispatch form is no longer changing all Work Order's tasks Start Date when scheduling a single task.
  • The Gantt feature in the Jobs form will now contain a Close button preventing users to use the <BACK> button of their browser to close the Gannt.
  • The error message on login if there is a missing technician code in the user's TAG User Setup is now providing the User and Company.
  • The Unit of Measure and Quantity fields are no longer overlapping in the Report Maintenance form.
  • On the Create Request form, the "Needed by Date" field will now have a default value of the current date instead of empty.
  • When choosing an Asset from the Create Request form, the sorting of the columns is now working as expected.
  • When choosing an Asset from the Create Request form, the filtering of the assets is now working as expected.
  • Creating a Work Order with attachment(s) will now show the attachments without having to refresh the page.
  • Field labels on the Personnel form is now showing correctly according to his setup language.
  • Using barcode scanning to add usage when using the Report Maintenance form is now working as expected on smaller screen interfaces (ex. Mobile Phones).
  • Attachments from a Released Work Orders are now following when the Work Order's status is set to Finished.
  • Using the scanning with QR Code feature in Report Work Oder form is no longer causing an error.
  • When adding Work Order Lines in the Create Work Order form the default Start Date of the added line is now set by default to the Work Order Start Date.
  • The Technician Code is now updating correctly when updating the value in the Review form.
  • The Status of a Work Order is now reflecting correctly in the Review Work Order form.
  • After using the "Finish & Report WorkOrder" button in the Report Maintenance form will now show the Finished Work Order.
  • Warning message in the Review form will now include the Work Order details.
  • Using a different Unit of Measure than the base UOM in a Work Order Usage is now saving correctly.
  • Using the "ReOpen" feature in a Purchase Order is now showing a success message.
  • Creating a new Work Order from the Dashboard form is now updating the total number of Work Orders on the Dashboard without having to refresh.
  • Using Dark Mode in the Schedule form is now making the task tiles more visible.
  • Confirmation dialog is now showing when updating a Work Order number on the Purchase Order to update all lines.
  • Variant Code is now included when scanning a usage in the Request form.
  • The sorting by Technician is now working as expected in the Tasks form.
  • Resolving issue when adding usage in Create Request form after an error causing the form to not being editable, user needed to refresh the page.


Release Notes Creation Date: September 5th 2024
Official Release Date: September 25th 2024

New Functionalities:

Purchase Item Quantity
In the Purchase form, the quantity to be purchased for items column title will be labeled as "Quantity" instead of "Purchased" to better reflect the fact that the item has not been purchased yet.


Bug Fixes:

  • Creating a Work Order from a Work Procedure in the Review Request form in TAG Portal now correctly carries over attachments from the Work Procedure.
  • Reviewing Work Orders in TAG Portal no longer resets the Status Code to New.
  • It is now possible to create Work Orders from Assets that do not have a Description on the Asset Card.
  • Adding a Purchase Order Line on a Purchase Order now auto-populates the Work Order no. field based on the Purchase Order Header.
  • Creating a Purchase Order with a value of "" in the TAG Work Order Line No. field no longer throws a BC Validation Error.
  • When finishing a Work Order and Reporting Maintenance, the resulting Finished Work Order is now shown in TAG Portal.
  • Searching for Items in TAG Portal is no longer case-sensitive.
  • Assets of Subassembly level 3 or lower are now searchable in the Asset List.
  • Comments on Purchase Orders are now Timestamped to the correct date.
  • Changing the column layout for the Asset list in TAG Portal will now be saved into the user configuration.
  • Scanning a QR Code to add a usage on a Work Order line in TAG Portal will no longer generate an error.
  • Converting a Request to a Planned Work Order in TAG Portal will now include suggested tasks.
  • Trying to delete a Work Order with Posted transactions now throws a descriptive error message.
  • Changing a Request Service Day on a Work Order in TAG Portal will now set the proper date (instead of one day previous of the one selected).
  • Saving in Preventative Maintenance Page (DMP) in TAG Portal after clicking the check the "Info/Action" will now act as expected.
  • Under some circumstances, editing the Estimated Time field while dispatching Work Order tasks in TAG Portal could make the date return to the previous duration after saving. Now saving will work under all circumstances.
  • Editing a Due by Date on a Work Order in TAG Portal from the Unscheduled Task List on the Task Scheduled page will now show the proper date in the list.
  • Due dates for Tasks in the Task List are now updated correctly.
  • Dispatching Work Order tasks in TAG Portal from the Unscheduled Task List will now show an empty Due Date if the date is not set yet (instead of showing 12/31/1).
  • Dispatching Work Order tasks in TAG Portal from the Unscheduled Task List will now show the status of the task.
  • Clicking on the "Learn more" hyperlink in Business Central on any TAG Extension Help page will now redirect to the actual website.
  • Adding a second picture to an Asset in TAG Portal will no longer produce an error message.
  • Editing an Asset in TAG Portal will only show the current Asset's Work Orders in the Work Order tab.
  • Adding an Asset ID to a Request in TAG Portal will prompt the user if he wants to update the lines to set the Asset ID.
  • Editing a Work Order task in TAG Portal will now show a valid Duration.
  • Searching for OSPs when adding a usage in a Work Order in TAG Portal will now return all OSPs (including in "Usage").
  • Editing a Work Order in TAG Portal from the Unscheduled Task List on the Task Scheduled page will no longer make the directory path disappear and force a refresh to return to the list.
  • Creating a Work Order in Tag Portal from the Dashboard page will now set the default values in fields (e.g. Status, Order Type, Lead Time).
  • Attaching a card picture to an Asset through TAG Portal will now show that picture like expected.
  • Creating a Work Order in TAG Portal now correctly accounts for time zone for Order Date, Document Date and Requested Service Date.


Release Notes Creation Date: August 7, 2024
Official Release Date: August 21, 2024

New Functionalities:

Priority Rank Description for TAG Requests
In TAG Portal, when creating a Request from an Asset, users can now view the “Priority Code” description upon selecting a “Priority Rank”.

Attachments function improved in TAG Portal
In TAG Portal, users can now upload pictures to assets and configure them as the "Card picture" by checking a checkbox in the attachment field.

Department Filtering for Purchase Orders in TAG Portal
Technicians now have the ability to filter Purchase Orders (POs) by department in TAG Portal. This new feature prevents users from accessing confidential documents and simplifies navigation through numerous documents.

Bug Fixes:

  • In the Work Order report maintenance form, the Work Procedure field under Time Entry will be non-editable to maintain consistency throughout the report process.
  • When adding Purchase Order lines, selecting a Usage Item from the Usage list will not alter the visibility of the items list, allowing the user to see multiple rows.
  • Once a Procurement Purchase Order for a Usage item is created, the item will be automatically removed from the procurement list on the next occurrence without requiring a page refresh.
  • In the Procurement form, the "Add from Document" button now correctly saves and displays the Usage item after being clicked.
  • The expected quantity of Usage items in the Report Maintenance form is non-editable in both the frontend and backend to ensure consistency and data integrity.
  • Removing a Purchase Order line from the Purchase Order form will also remove the corresponding line in the usage pop-up form.
  • All attachment types including pictures now have the delete option to remove them.
  • In the card component, the Details list that appears after clicking the More button no longer overlaps with the item's header and blocks the Less button, providing a more seamless interaction.
  • Time fields are updated automatically in the Work Order's card after submitting the report maintenance without a page refresh.
  • In the Task card, the full Details list is fully visible with the last line no longer being covered.
  • When selecting the "Create and Continue Editing" option from the Create Asset form, the corresponding Edit form opens with the correct asset information pre-filled.
  • When adding Requirements for a Work Order Task, the user can search for all available items regardless of their active status.


Release Notes Creation Date: July 3rd, 2024
Official Release Date: July 24th, 2024

New Functionalities:

Added integration between TAG Expense Journal and TAG Work Order documents
A technician's personal expenses can be captured more easily and associated to an existing WO. This provides an avenue for technicians to be reimbursed for expenses they make on their own when working on a particular WO.

Convenient and straight-forward dispatching process
A manager can hide the Work Order Lines under the View settings and directly dispatch with only the Work Order header. This update keeps the process clean and straight-forward for the Technicians and suitable for companies with a simple maintenance process.

More robust and intuitive process of creating a new Work Order in Business Central
In Business Central, a user can select the Order Type when creating a new Work Order. This update allows the user to directly select all fields needed to create the work order and eliminating the extra step of opening the actual created Work Order to add that information.

Bug Fixes:

  • The users can now edit the saved views in Work Orders page, Asset page, Requests page, and Purchase Order page regardless of the length of the view's name.
  • The task card's 'Start' and 'End' fields will now display both the date and time sections for more timing information about the task.
  • The term "Expense" is now replacing the term "Consumable" for Entry type in the TAG expense journal.
  • The manager user can now interactively assign tasks to technicians by drag and drop actions in a calendar view, and visually scale the length of the tasks.
  • Updating the 'Start date' field will not affect the pre-logged hours for tasks by rolling the value back to 0.25, ensuring the accuracy of the task's length and the convenience of updating dates.
  • Creating a new task on the Schedule page is now more user-friendly and intuitive by highlighting required fields (Asset ID) before submission.
  • Opening and closing the Settings form no longer visually affects the Unscheduled list, maintaining the stability of UI elements.
  • Any changes to a task including results, complete status, and other fields are now dynamically displayed in the task's card without needing a page refresh.
  • Display issues with the Schedule page are now resolved including task interaction (drag and drop), viewing, and editing the task blocks.
  • Tasks are successfully created for a work order when it is converted from a request.
  • Attachments, including documents (PDF, DOCX, txt) and pictures (PNG, JPG) can now be uploaded from the Report Maintenance form and Report Task Maintenance form.
  • When the user adds a usage item of type "Parts", the "Parts" item list will be filtered to display only the items belonging to the selected Asset.
  • The user can view the Task Hours of an Asset under the Statistics tab in the asset's card.
  • Creating a new Task from the Dashboard is working properly.
  • When creating a Purchase Order from a Work Order, the list of available usage items is updated dynamically to display only items that do not have an existing Purchase Order.
  • When adding a Work Order line in the Create Work Order form, the WO line "start" field always inherits the value from the WO header as a default value.
  • On the “Tag Asset Card” Under the Information/Details section the field “Date Meter Policies" is updated to be Preventative maintenance.
  • In the Tasks Schedule page, the Date fields are consistently displayed in the Unscheduled Tasks list after the Work Order is updated with new date values.
  • Any changes to a Work Order including converting type Released to Planned and completing it will be reflected in the Work Order card to reflect successful updates.
  • The email address in the TAG user setup is not case-sensitive when switching companies at TAG Mobile.


Release Notes Creation Date: June 5th, 2024
Official Release Date: June 19th, 2024

New Functionalities:

Requestor Portal & Customer Portal Our Requestor Portal and our Customer Portal have now been fully migrated to TAG Portal SaaS. You can now log-in to these portals without office 365 authentication. For more information about our Requestor Portal or our Vendor Portal, please contact your Customer Success Manager.

Improved integration with Digital Forms You can now fetch data from your TAG BC Extension in order to prefill a Digital Form in TAG Portal. Data sources available include any TAG document associated with your Digital Form.

Improved Error Handling when Uploading Attachments When a file upload from TAG Portal fails, users will now receive more descriptive error messages describing the reason for why the upload failed.

French Caption update Various localization fixes for French captions in TAG Portal have been made.

Bug Fixes:

  • Reporting tasks with new hours under the field "Duration" is now reflected under the field "Actual Time" in the task card.
  • The rule allowing the field "per-hour cost override" to be non-0 is now consistent in the TAG Personnel card with more information on the error message.
  • Released Work Orders with lines can be successfully finished after getting rejected from the Management Portal with Approval Pending turned off.
  • At the Portal login, if the user logs in using a new username, no error will be thrown but a new empty record will be added to TAG Portal Personalization for later customization.


Release Notes Creation Date: May 8th, 2024
Official Release Date: May 22nd, 2024

New Functionalities:

Various stability and bugfixes.


Release Notes Creation Date: April 3rd, 2024
Official Release Date: April 24th, 2024

New Functionalities:

TAG Gateway

Our Solution for Static IP Requirements

Verosoft Design is thrilled to announce the release of our new TAG Gateway, designed to cater to clients operating within their own BC environments and requiring a static IP address for whitelisting our TAG-API.

In order to guarantee a static IP for our customers, our development team has created the TAG Gateway — a new routing API that redirects TAG API requests through a static host. Clients who depend on receiving requests from a consistent IP can now enjoy seamless service and enhanced security.

Key Features:

  • Static IP Address: Guaranteed static IP for all requests.
  • Enhanced Security: With identifiable IPs for whitelisting, security is significantly improved.
  • Consistency: Ensures all tag requests appear from the same IP, providing reliability and trust in communications.

Imagine our service as a central office: even as the internal dynamics change, the "mail" - or in this case, API requests - is always routed through the reception (TAG Gateway), ensuring that every message is consistently dispatched from the same, trusted source.

For more information on how to configure the TAG Gateway for your business needs, please contact our customer success team at support@adnm.net.


March 20th, 2024

Deprecated Functionalities:

Report Maintenance Status Code

The Report Maintenance page now correctly implements the Status Code field instead of having a hardcoded list of Status Types. Since this just provides additional functionality, no existing workflows will be materially affected.

For any issues arising from any deprecation, please contact support@adnm.net.

New Functionalities:

Equipment list

We now support sorting on column headers in the equipment list view. In addition, pagination on the Equipment List is now supported.

TAG Portal 8.1

March 4th, 2024

Deprecated Functionalities:

  • The Barcode field on the Equipment page in TAG and TAG Portal has been renamed to Asset Identifier in order to be inclusive of QR codes as well.

For any issues arising from any deprecation, please contact support@adnm.net.

New Functionalities:

Asset QR Code Scanning

On the Asset Identifier field in the Edit Equipment page, you can now click the QR Code button to scan a QR Code and input it directly into the Asset Identifier field.

Asset Area Field

Editing the Area field in the Edit Equipment page now opens up a properly searchable modal. The modal used is identical to the one used for the Facility field.

Customizable Caption for Area Field

The caption of the "Area" field of Asset is now customizable. You can set the caption in TAG controls, and it will reflect in both Business Central Equipment page and TAG Portal Asset pages.

SAAS ONLY — Update Notification

To ensure that all BC/TAG SaaS users are notified properly as soon as an update is available, an icon will now be displayed at the top of the page in TAG Portal whenever an update is available.


TAG Portal Custom Captions

It is now possible to recaption any string in TAG Portal. This ability is not limited to field names only. Any caption, be it a field, column header, button label, or any other UI element, can now be renamed through the TAG API. Please contact your customer success manager for further details.

TAG Portal 8.0

Deprecated Functionalities:

  • The classic Username and Password database login for TAG Portal is no longer supported and has been removed from the login page. Users must sign in with their Office 365 account.

Versions of the TAG BC extension after version will not be backwards compatible with previous versions of TAG Portal. Please update your TAG BC extension to version in order to use TAG Portal 8.0.

For any issues arising from any deprecation, please contact support@adnm.net

New Functionalities:

New API:

The new TAG API has arrived. We have rebuilt our API from the ground up in Typescript, leading to the following benefits to our users:

  • Quicker response times: Inefficiencies with our previous database queries have been addressed, and our technology stack is no longer dependent on outmoded technologies. Users can expect a 4-5 fold decrease in response times for TAG Portal.
  • Automatic Updates (discussed below)
  • Environment Centralization (discussed below)

Environment Centralization:

TAG Portal has now migrated to a single centralized portal that can be accessed at the following link: https://portal.theassetguardian.com/ . It is no longer necessary to track Production and UAT environment URLs separately.

To select a different environment, simply use the Environments picklist in the login screen. This list will automatically be populated will all environments the user has access to.


All existing data and workflows will be kept. This update will not affect data integrity.

Automatic Updates:

Thanks to the centralization of TAG Portal and our new API, users will no longer need to worry about incompatibilities between TAG, TAG Portal, and the TAG API. Now, all applications that require the TAG BC extension as a dependency, such as TAG Portal and the TAG API, will be automatically updated whenever the TAG BC extension is updated.

Bug Fixes:

  • When adding usage in the Task and Report Work Order forms, the default expected quantity is now 0 if using the actual quantity.
  • Deleting a line in a procurement form and then submitting will no longer throw a BC Validation Error.
  • On the Request page, the source table now correctly displays tracking info.
  • Adding a new PO line when creating or editing a PO form will now automatically populate the Job no and other job-related fields when a Job is already attached to the PO Header.
  • When adding a new PO line to an existing PO, the values of existing PO lines are no longer reset.
  • Requirements and PO lines are now kept in sync in TAG Portal when either is edited.

TAG Portal 7.3

Deprecated Functionalities:

  • The Priority field is now deprecated in TAG Portal, and has been replaced with the Priority Rank field.
  • In the Create Request form, the Planned/Normal Task toggle has been removed.

For any issues arising from any deprecation, please contact suppot@adnm.net.

New Functionalities:

Date Filtering on Work Orders

The Work Order list can now be filtered based on start date/time, and on end date/time.

Total Value Filtering on Purchase Orders

Purchase Orders can now be filtered by total value (the sum total of all line items).

Support Page Links

TAG Portal's support page now links to VSD's technical blog posts, and to our technical documentation.

Report Work Order Maintenance Status Field

The status field was added to the Report Work Order Maintenance form. Users no longer need to go through a 2-step process to modify the Work Order Header Status field when reporting maintenance.

Purchase Order Update Lines now include the Work Order number

Enhanced Video Tutorial Accessibility

In our ongoing effort to enhance user support, we have incorporated a dedicated link to Click Learn's video tutorials on our support page. These tutorials are designed to provide users with an engaging and comprehensive guide to maximize their experience with our platform.

Dashboard Revitalization in Latest Release

Dashboard Editor

  • The dashboard has undergone a significant transformation in this release, bringing a more intuitive and user-friendly interface.
  • Toggle widgets with ease. With a simple click, you now have the power to swiftly activate or deactivate any widget on your dashboard.
  • Enhanced editor layout: The editor now has a tabbed interface, making the creation and modification of widgets more streamlined and efficient.

Dashboard Preview Mode

  • The preview mode allows users to seamlessly view and test changes in real-time before saving, with the option to easily return to the editor for further modifications.

Action Shortcuts Widget

  • You now have the capability to tailor the shortcuts widget, adding or removing shortcuts as per your daily needs and preferences.

Unassigned Work Orders Widget

  • Stay on top of unassigned tasks with our new bar chart feature. This interactive element displays all unassigned work orders, allowing for a quick and easy overview.
  • Interactive navigation: Each bar in the chart is clickable, leading you directly to a detailed view of the corresponding unassigned work orders.

Overdue Work Orders Widget

  • Gain instant insights into overdue tasks with another interactive bar chart. This visual tool helps you identify and address overdue work orders more efficiently.

Count Over Time Widget

  • Introducing a comprehensive yearly overview: A new bar chart visualizes work orders over the year, divided into weekly segments (totaling 52 bars). This feature offers a clear, clickable view, enabling you to monitor and analyze work order trends over time.

Tasks Form Information

The task form has undergone an update where both the labels and descriptions have been refined to more accurately and effectively convey the relevant information. This enhancement aims to improve user understanding and interaction with the form, ensuring a clearer and more intuitive experience.

Bug Fixes:

  • Added missing translation keys for the TAG Portal support page.
  • Non-BC users are not longer allowed to be Manager Portal users.
  • The default procurement type is now correct when adding from document.
  • When creating a Purchase Order form, selecting a Work Order and an item which already exists as a usage line in the Work Order no longer throws an error. Instead, it creates and inserts a new line.
  • Reopening a Purchase Order no longer prompts the user to delete this record.
  • When creating a new Work Order from a Request, adding a value in the additional description field no longer creates a blank anonymous feedback on submission.
  • Sending an open Purchase Order to approval or cancelling approval on an open Purchase Order now updates the Purchase Order card.
  • Choosing a new equipment when creating a new Work Order no longer throws an error.
  • Updating the form settings in the "Create Request" form no longer unexpectedly affects the "Inspection Result" form.
  • When enabling many fields in the task card, all enabled fields are now visible.
  • When creating a request, the creator's username is now added correctly.
  • Sending a Purchase Order to approval after creating one from the asset page now correctly sends the Purchase Order to approval.
  • Editing the OSP field on a Work Order no longer throws an error.
  • Creating a Work Order as a user with a name longer than 20 characters is now supported.
  • Adding a value in the "Buy from vendor" field in a Purchase Order now triggers the auto-input for the "Pay from vendor" field.
  • Various UI fixes for Dark Mode.
  • Modifying the Asset Group on an Asset now correctly clears the value on the Asset Subgroup.
  • Submitting a Work Order with only the required fields filled in after removing all non-required field data no longer throws an error.

Recommended TAG API version: 7.3

Recommended TAG BC extension version: v1.0.19402.0

TAG Portal 7.2

New Functionalities:

Job Integration for Work Orders and Purchase Orders

We've enhanced the WO and PO modules for improved job costing management. Introducing a facility-level control, we've eliminated the risk of "double dipping" - preventing duplicate financial entries when both WO and PO pertain to the same job. This update seamlessly integrates Job No., Job Task No., and Job Journal line type fields into the creation and editing phases of WOs and POs. Additionally, a new TAG WO reference info field is now available when creating a PO from scratch, ensuring streamlined data flow between TAG WOs and POs. Upgrade now for a more efficient job costing experience.

Purchase Order Enhancements

  • Multi-Line Purchase Orders: Technicians can now insert and associate multiple purchase order lines to various work orders in one go, streamlining the invoice reconciliation process.

  • Enhanced Purchase Order Form: When creating a new purchase order, the form now allows for the input of both work order number and work order line numbers per purchase order line.

  • Usage Types: Added options for "Consumable" and "OSP" usage types. Selecting these will default the PO Line type to 'GL Account', with the account number derived from the chosen Consumable or OSP.

  • Auto-Populate Work Order Details: The creation of a new purchase order now auto-fills work order-related requirements.

  • Dimension Defaulting: The system will now pull dimension values from the linked work order onto the purchase order lines.

Barcode Scanning for Purchase Orders

When creating or editing a Purchase Order, the 'expected Qty' field can now be updated via barcode scanner. In addition, barcode scanning will now automatically update the usage line.

Priority Rank

The 'Priority' field in TAG Portal has now been replaced by the user-defined 'Priority Rank' field across all pages.

Purchase Order Update Lines now include the Work Order number

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where releasing a Planned Work Order would throw an error under certain circumstances due to it now having a default value to fallback to.
  • The Work Order card is now refreshed after reporting a Task.

Recommended TAG API version: 7.2

Recommended TAG BC extension version: v1.0.18850.0

TAG Portal 7.1

New Functionalities

Technician Task Security Feature: Enhanced Control and Transparency:

We understand the importance of seamless collaboration among technicians while ensuring a clear and controlled workflow. Our new Technician Task Security Feature empowers you, the maintenance manager, to define precise access levels for different user groups, providing the transparency and control you need.

New Security Levels

  • Full Access: Complete control to view, modify, and report maintenance for all work order tasks, regardless of assignment.
  • Personnel Group Access: Technicians can view all tasks but only modify and report maintenance for tasks assigned to their personnel group.
  • Technician Access: Technicians can view all tasks, modify, and report maintenance for tasks assigned to their technician code. Tasks that can be seen but not modified will be visually indicated (greyed out).
  • Limited Access: Technicians can only see, modify, and report maintenance tasks assigned to their technician code.
  • No Access: Tasks are not accessible. To maintain clarity, tasks that are inaccessible for modification or reporting will be appropriately indicated, ensuring users understand the rationale behind this.

EQ Page Enhancements: Part List and Item List

We've enhanced our Equipment (EQ) Page with two valuable additions - the Part List and Item List. This enhancement streamlines your equipment management by providing easy access to associated parts and items.

  • Search Functionality: Technicians can search the Item and Parts List directly from the TAG Portal, eliminating the need to navigate between different interfaces.
  • Item Description: Access detailed descriptions of items and parts, enabling technicians to make informed decisions.
  • Inventory Level: View current inventory levels for items and parts, ensuring efficient inventory management.
  • Location Information: Easily find the location of items and parts within the portal, simplifying retrieval.

Date Format in Setting Page: Tailored Tracking and Consistency

You can now select your preferred Date Format, which will be applied across all cards and forms in the portal. This functionality adds to the ease of tracking and ensures consistency throughout your experience with our product.

Bug Fixes

  • In the request form, adding usage now edits the expected quantity instead of the actual quantity.
  • When creating a request, the attached PDF is now visible to the user.
  • When using a tablet device in the vertical position, the create equipment button is now visible.
  • In the Calendar, users can now drag and drop tasks from the schedule page.
  • On the Equipment card, task hours now round correctly.
  • The priority rank field now shows a blank value as an option in all pages.
  • The priority rank field now interacts with the criticality field correctly.
  • Printing a Finished Work Order now works correctly for all users.
  • The priority rank field is now editable when editing multiple work orders.
  • In the work order page, the user-defined order of the visible fields is now saved correctly.
  • When viewing a work order, the PDF attachment now correctly displays the right-click menu and the icon.
  • After deleting a work order attachment, there is now a confirmation message.
  • When editing a work order, submitting the form with errors no longer closes the form.
  • Criticality is no longer editable in the task from.
  • In the calendar page, filters now work in the unscheduled list.
  • In the resources page, editing a consumable no longer throws an error.
  • In the T&A personnel card, all fields are now correctly translated.
  • In the pick up form, the location code is now read-only.
  • In the report work order maintenance page, the column chooser now saves correctly.
  • In the usage list, a duplicate vendor column was removed.
  • In the usage section of the report work order form, columns are now no longer hidden/missing when too many columns are present.
  • When reporting a task, the actual quantity now updates correctly.
  • In the purchase order page, the unit price is now formatted correctly.
  • When adding usage, the unit of cost now shows correctly.
  • The notification bar no longer hides the X button when too many notifications are present.
  • When discarding on the auto plan work order report confirmation dialog in the DMP page, the transaction is no longer run successfully anyways.
  • Switching company in TAG Portal no longer switches between the technician portal and the manager portal.
  • Converting between a release work order and a planned work order no longer throws an error.
  • Switching between pages quickly in TAG Portal no longer causes UI errors.

Recommended TAG API version: 7.1

Recommended TAG BC extension version: v1.0.18370.0

TAG Portal 7.0

New Functionalities

1. The product framework has been upgraded to the latest version of Angular (Version 16), which brings the following benefits:

  • Reduced bundled file size and improved overall app performance
  • Improved user experience with enhanced accessibility and more reactivity

2. Added Scan barcode function to multiple forms:

  • Create/edit Request: expected qty
  • Report inspection: actual qty
  • Create/edit WO: expected qty
  • Create/edit WO lines: expected qty
  • Report Task/WO: actual qty
  • Create/edit PO: expected qty While scanning, if the usage line (key: Item no., Variant code, UOM) already exists in the usage table, the quantity will be incremented. If the usage line does not exist, a new usage line will be inserted.

3. When creating Procurement from Work order, the Job Journal line type will now pop up with its default value.

4. Job module is now accessible to authenticated users.

5. Review request form has been updated to include status and supervisor code fields.

6. The UI has been improved by moving the 'Add,' 'Delete,' 'Print,' and 'Export Data to Excel' actions into the new overflow button (vertical three dots menu).

Bug Fixes

  1. The notification has been optimized to provide more meaningful and instructive messages when a user switches to a company without the corresponding Technician ID.
  2. The description on the work order line is now read-only on the report WO maintenance form, enhancing security.
  3. The report WO maintenance form will now display the Meter reading current value only when the test result type is Meter-reading.
  4. In dark mode, the appropriate background color has been set for some fields on the card.

Recommended TAG API version: 7.0

Recommended TAG BC extension version: TAG v1.0.17889.0

TAG Portal 6.6

We're excited to announce an upgraded support overlay that offers improved navigation and content discovery. With a user-friendly interface, you can effortlessly explore various supports and quickly find the content you're interested in.


New Functionality:

  • Add OSP charge type and OSP change type rate in the Requirement table
  • Enhance multi-language support for the Time and Attendance feature
  • Clicking outside the account panel will make it disappear
  • Added the ability to edit Planned Work Order Lines requirements
  • Added the ability to edit Planned Work Order feedback

Complete technical list

Here is a list of the improvements we made:

  • Allowing user to add usage Part Consumable with variant code
  • Added a warning message in Login form if the user is not set up as Web Service User in TAG Licensing
  • Fixed issues on Equipment card to correctly show comments
  • Fixed "requested_service_date" field display issue when creating Work Order
  • Restricted the width of file name to show the context menu on Attachment Sub card
  • Allowing user to reopen a finished task.
  • When creating request: -- Auto-populate order type and status. -- By default, display "expected quantity" instead of "actual quantity"
  • Showing UDN on Request card after creation of the request
  • Allowing user to change "expected time" field on work procedure for multiple times when creating Work Order
  • Updating left menu correspondingly when the user switches company and relevant roles.
  • Add the Work Order status and supervisor code to the request to Work Order form.

Recommended TAG API version: 6.6 Recommended TAG BC extension version: v1.0.17716.0

TAG Portal 6.5

We're excited to announce an upgraded support overlay that offers improved navigation and content discovery. With a user-friendly interface, you can effortlessly explore various supports and quickly find the content you're interested in.


New Functionality:

  • Enhanced Support Overlay : Key enhancements include streamlined navigation, enhanced support visibility, advanced content filtering and search. These improvements aim to provide you with a seamless and tailored experience.
  • Added a default value for the "Need by Date" field in the Create Request form

Complete technical list

Here is a list of the improvements we made:

  • Enable users to view attachments directly within the Work Order (WO) card, eliminating the need to refresh the page after reporting WO maintenance.
  • Enable users to view the latest requirement data in the Work Order card after adding/removing requirements on Edit Work Order form, eliminating the need to refresh the page.
  • After converting a request to a work order, automatically close the request card. This prevents users from accidentally handling the request after it has been converted to a work order. Additionally, the newly created work order is displayed to the user, ensuring that they can immediately begin work on the order.
  • Added the Work Order description to the unscheduled task list on the schedule page, allowing users to view the description
  • Updated the tree view in the Equipment page to display the equipment hierarchy when searching for equipment, allowing users to find equipment easily.
  • Removed an incorrect error message that stated 'Equipment_ID not in JSON object' when saving a request.
  • Allow users to submit a request with a default value in the description field, even if they do not modify it. This improves the efficiency of the request submission process.
  • Added a new notification that will be displayed when attempting to submit an inspection report without a valid technician code. This change ensures that all inspection reports are associated with a valid technician code and improves the accuracy of the data in the system.
  • Restored the item type in the bottom sheet UI for small screens, ensuring that users can easily identify and select the correct item when editing requirements for work order
  • Made the facility picture visible on the equipment card.
  • Removed a confusing error message "Item xxxxx not found" that appeared when attempting to retrieve location information for non-"Item" usage types such as consumables.
  • Updating the tree mode in real-time with newly created equipment on the Equipment page, eliminating the need to refresh the page.
  • Modified the default value of the actual quantity from the same value as expected quantity to 0 when creating work order or request, reducing confusion for users. The user can always enter the actual quantity to consume on the Report form.
  • Showed the Expected Quantity by default instead of actual quantity on Edit Request form, making the UI more user-friendly and adaptable to the user's needs.
  • Made an improvement to the task card where it now displays only the notes related to the specific task, rather than showing notes for the entire work order.
  • Modified the usage statistics information on the current task displayed on the dashboard by using a new formula: (Actual + Pending + Posting) / Expected .
  • Restored the display and saving functionality of the current reading value and date in the Meter Log form, which was lost in the previous release.
  • Restored the display and saving functionality of the current reading value and date in the Meter Log form, which was lost in the previous release.
  • Updated the Inspection report form to make the "Needed by" field a required field. This update ensures that all necessary information is provided and improves the accuracy and completeness of the report.
  • Pre-populated the criticality of the equipment in the new work order when creating a work order from the equipment card, reducing user effort and improving accuracy.

Recommended TAG API version: 6.5.1 Recommended TAG BC extension version: v1.0.17716.0

TAG Portal 6.4


New Functionality:

  • Added the styled WO list feature. Each Work Order (WO) in the WO page now has its own style based on its "Priority Rank". The WO's style is linked to a pre-defined style in BC, which could be a combination of colour, bold, and italic formatting.

Complete technical list

Here is a list of the improvements we made:

  • Fixed an issue with the "selected lines assigned to me by default" feature in the Report WO form. Previously, this feature did not always work if the user opened the form before the lines were loaded. The issue has been resolved, and the feature now works as intended even if the form is opened before the lines are loaded.
  • Fixed an issue with the Personnel Group field on the Review Request form. Previously, the field was not being populated with its value. The issue has been resolved, and the Personnel Group field now correctly displays its value on the Review Request form.
  • Resolved an issue on the Create Purchase Order(PO) form, where updating the Item Description in the Purchase Order line did not reflect the changes after submission. Previously, the Item Description would remain unchanged, even after the user updated it.
  • Optimized the code on the PO page to prevent frequent GraphQL timeout errors. Previously, users would encounter GraphQL timeout errors when using the PO page. The issue has been addressed by optimizing the code, and users should now experience fewer or no timeouts when using the PO page.

Recommended TAG API version: 6.4.1 Recommended TAG BC extension version: v1.0.17458.0

TAG Portal 6.3


We're happy to inform you that TAG Portal 6.3 now has three new features to improve your experience.

  1. In the Procurement form, the Outside Service Providers (OSP) and Consumable lines now automatically update the Unit Price from BC.

  2. When the "Use Consume Timesheet" option is enabled in TAG Controls, in the Finished Work Order card, the posted time is now available in Bookings tab.

  3. After converting a Request to a Work Order, the new Work Order is immediately visible in the Work Order list without needing to refresh the page.

To enhance your experience, we also deleted this feature:

  1. The T&A button has been removed from the Settings page. Users can now enable or disable Time and Attendance (T&A) using the "Use T&A" option in the Business Central TAG Controls page under the "Validity" section.

We also dedicated time to fix some bugs that were impacting your user journey.

Additional technical list

Here is a list of the improvements we made:

  1. When adding a new task in the Work Order form, the new task will no longer replace an existing task that is not displayed in the form while the task is assigned to another technician.
  2. When adding a new task after a sub-step task in the Work Order form, the new task number will now follow the correct numbering rule.
  3. The form setting of the Report Task Maintenance form has been updated to match with the form elements.

Recommended **TAG **BC** extension version: 1.0.17222.0

For the latest TAG BC extension release notes, please refer to TAG Extension version: 1.0.17222.0

TAG Portal 6.2


We are excited to announce that TAG Portal 6.2 now includes three new features to enhance your experience!

  1. The location code in the header pick-up form is no longer mandatory.

  2. The attached URLs are now clickable hyperlinks.

  3. The location code is no longer mandatory when editing a purchase order with OSP in the PO line.

We also dedicated time to fix some bugs that were impacting your user journey.

Complete technical list

Here is a list of the improvements we made:

  1. In the "Equipment" form, the master ID field is now present.
  2. In the "pick-up" form, the quantity to receive and toggle now changes color when toggled.
  3. Insertion of TAG UserSetup no longer populates the Technician Code with a value that does not exist on that company.
  4. We fixed an issue where the returned file path was incorrect after posting an attachment for a request.
  5. The posted quantity in the Finish Work Order section is now automatically updated.
  6. Creating a request with a blank value for the priority field is now supported.
  7. The Equipment tree shows equipment with levels four (4) and up.
  8. In the Work Order list, adding a filter to the priority column no longer throws a Graph QL error.
  9. In Timesheet, the booking list is automatically refreshed when reporting a task with time.
  10. When creating an equipment subassembly or copying an equipment, the attachment goes to the newly created equipment instead of the currently selected equipment.
  11. After adding an attachment to the "Edit Equipment" form, the submit button is now enabled.
  12. After adding a card from the Work Order card, the card is now automatically refreshed.
  13. The Work Order card is now updated when creating the Work Order line.

TAG Portal 6.1


You will be glad to hear that we added two (2) new functionalities to our portal for TAG Portal 6.1!

  1. The location code for the purchase order is now automatically fetched and populated from vendor card.

  2. The pickup form has been reworked to support the partial receiving of requirements/usage for a single purchase order.

We also dedicated time to fix some bugs that were impacting your user experience.

Complete technical list

Here is a list of the bugs that were fixed:

  1. The EQ subgroup is not included in the payload when create EQ from the scratch
  2. We can allow the user to view the equipment subgroup after creating a subassembly equipment.
  3. When opening the Work Order list, results are now shown in descending order with the last created Work Order being at the top.
  4. When in Timesheet Company, the user is able to see both the posted and non-posted bookings for the timesheet line they created.
  5. It is now possible to create a request with a blank requester (if permitted in TAG BC setup).
  6. It is now possible to see all unscheduled tasks when using the drag-and-drop feature for Work Orders.
  7. Its is now possible to see attachments from the Work Order header and the Work Order line.
  8. Users are now able to edit and delete tasks when the edit and delete options are enabled in the user’s mobile profile.
  9. The following options in the user mobile profile are now respected when enabled:
  • Edit Work Order
  • Delete Work Order
  • Create Work Order
  • Edit task
  • Delete task
  • Create task
  • Edit Purchase Order
  • Create Purchase Order
  • Edit Request
  • Create Request

TAG Portal 6.0


Here's so much to be excited about with Release Notes TAG 6.0!

For starters, we've added the ability to merge attachments into a single PDF when printing a work order (WO), and the ability to print PO from portal.

We've also improved Time & Attendance: bookings in calendars now show with different colors according to status, crew cards are now refreshed when deleted, and notifications are sent when creating PO.

We've made improvements to Pick-up form as well: you can pick up partial quantities and the "order date" has been replaced by "receiving date".

Finally, Report maintenance form now features a header that is locked when scrolling and supports negative values in the usage section. In addition, there have been changes made such as default values for "Pay to Vendor" and "Bought from Vendor", renaming "posting date" to "receiving date" and more... All of which will make life easier than ever before!

Complete technical list

  1. The "Add Request" button was removed from the review request list.
  2. Only the manager can add new requirements to an opened purchase order from the edit purchase order form.
  3. The Load Overview tab is removed from the Equipment page.
  4. The Location tab and Facility tab have been removed from the WO page.
  5. The refresh button in the Equipment, Work Order, and Schedule pages have been removed.
  6. Allows users to send PO approval requests and cancel requests from the portal.
  7. Support the load of a big number of equipment and provide users with tree equipment overview- Add the page refresh button next to the notification button.
  8. Added ability from Business Central to merge attachments into a single PDF when printing a work order.
  9. Added ability to print PO from portal.
  10. Bookings in the calendar now show with different colour according to status.
  11. Crew cards are now refreshed when deleted (Time and Attendance).
  12. Added notification when creating PO.
  13. Added ability to pick up partial quantities in "pick-up" form.
  14. In "pick-up" form, the "purchased" column has been renamed to "quantity to receive".
  15. In the "pick-up" form, the "order date" has been replaced by "receiving date".
  16. In report maintenance form, in the requirements popup, the header is now locked when scrolling.
  17. The "Report Maintenance" form in the "usage" section now supports negative values.
  18. In "Report Maintenance" form usage section the search bar is now case insensitive.
  19. In TAG mobile profile, in the "usage" section of all forms, added ability to hide usage unit cost and vendor fields from users. (Configurable by anyone with BC access).
  20. Added default values for "Pay to Vendor" and "Bought from Vendor" fields in create PO form section.
  21. When sending PO to approval, the limits set in "Approval User Setup" in BC are now respected.
  22. Renamed "posting date" to "receiving date" in the PO list, card, and forms.
  23. When completing a Work Order, usage that is linked to a service item or a non-inventory item is not posted to the item journal.
  24. In the PO list, the column header has been changed from "Tag web service user" to "created by".
  25. Added notification when creating PO (in procurement form).
  26. "Bought from Vendor" populate by default "Pay to Vendor" in creating the purchase order form. Users can then manually change the value of "Pay to Vendor" if it's not the same as "bought to vendor"
About TAG Portal